Family First in Colorado
About Family First
Agency & Facility Directory
Use our interactive directory tool to find an agency or facility that is child-specific or to find a child placement agency to become an adoptive or foster parent!
Prevention Service Directory
Use our interactive directory tool to find an evidence-based Family First service provider near you.
Family First in Colorado
About Family First
Agency & Facility Directory
Use our interactive directory tool to find an agency or facility that is child-specific or to find a child placement agency to become an adoptive or foster parent!
Prevention Service Directory
Use our interactive directory tool to find an evidence-based Family First service provider near you.
The Family First Prevention Services Act (Family First) is a federal law that is shifting the focus of child welfare from reaction to prevention. In Colorado, Family First funds are being used to improve families’ access to prevention services, ensuring more families receive the support they need to stay safely together.
Family First provides Colorado the opportunity to ….
- Reshape child welfare and provide more proactive services, so more children and youth can grow up with their family.
- Partner with community-based service providers to respond to the individual needs of children, youth and families.
- Provide treatment in a setting that is designed to provide a higher level of care.
The Provider Services Unit
The Division of Child Welfare- Provider Services Unit (PSU), provides regulatory oversight by enforcing Volume 7 regulations and related statutes. PSU additionally provides support, technical assistance, and training to 24-hour licensed childcare agencies, facilities, and day treatment centers to ensure the safety and well-being of children in out-of-home placement and receiving specialized educational services.
Prevention Services
Kids should grow up with a family. Through Family First, Colorado is using federal funding to help kids do just that by providing in-home and community-based therapeutic services that keep kids and families safe, healthy, and stable. These services include parenting courses, substance use treatment, mental health support, and assistance for kinship caregivers, all aimed at reducing the need for child welfare involvement.
In Colorado, the foundation of Family First policies lies in quality services and strong collaboration between federal, state, and community partners. By working holistically across systems and addressing communities’ unique needs, Colorado is building a robust prevention network that strengthens families and ensures the safety of kids.
Recent Updates
Community Pathways for SafeCare® Colorado Approved
The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) was signed into law (P.L. 115-123) as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act in February 2018, and was designed as an opportunity to allow states to receive federal reimbursement for services provided to keep children safely...
November 2024 Prevention and Core Services Newsletter
November offers many opportunities for gratitude to people and events in our past, present, and future. November is National Native American Heritage Month, which celebrates and honors the cultures and contributions of Native Americans and Alaska Natives. November...
September 2024 Prevention and Core Services Newsletter
Prevention and Core Services Monthly Newsletter September 2024 There is quite a bit of excitement in our unit about the approaching “sweater weather.” We can’t wait for the cooler temperatures, fall colors, seasonal traditions, outdoor activities, and crunchy leaves...
CO4Kids is the Colorado Department of Human Services’ statewide initiative to provide awareness about Colorado’s child welfare system. It focuses on educating the public about the signs of child abuse and neglect, while raising awareness about the Hotline (844-264-5437) to report concerns related to a child or youth. CO4Kids also strives to strengthen families as a means of preventing abuse and neglect from happening in the first place, helping all Colorado kids have a safe environment. Finally, the campaign is committed to recruiting and retaining foster and adoptive parents, so that when an out of home placement is unavoidable, a child has a safe place to thrive.