A “day treatment center” is a facility which provides less than twenty-four (24) hour care for groups of five or more children from three (3) to twenty-one (21) years of age. Nothing prohibits a day treatment center from allowing a person who reaches twenty-one (21) years of age after the commencement of an academic year from attending an educational program at the day treatment center through the end of the semester in which the twenty-first birthday occurs or until the person completes the educational program, whichever comes first. The center will provide a structured program of various types of psycho-social and/or behavioral treatments.
What type of license is issued to a Day Treatment Center from CDHS?
A Day Treatment Facility is issued a license that is ”Permanent”. Each year the facility will receive a continuation notice which is submitted to the Department with the associated fee. The permanent license remains in effect until the facility chooses to close it, surrenders the license or the status of the license is changed through the adverse licensing process. During the year the facility will have a full review of the rules and regulations, by the Department, verifying they are in full compliance. The review can be completed at any time within the licensing year.
A Day Treatment Facility or Facility School may be approved for funding and educational support through the Colorado Department of Education (CDE)