Family First and Program Area 3
- The Child Welfare Prevention Task Group was created to continue building statewide and county infrastructure to bring Colorado’s Family First Prevention Services Plan to life. The task group reports to the Child Welfare SubPac, specifically regarding recommendations for statute, rule changes, or policy guidance.
- Currently, the Task Group is working from the Implementation Framework, released by the Colorado Implementation Science Unit in April 2024. The Framework is a great document to inform the who, what, and why of Family First in Colorado, as well as guide current efforts to broaden candidacy for the evidence–based programs.
The task group meets every other month on the second Friday from 1:30 until 3:00 pm via Google Meet. You can review the agenda, minutes, documents, and recording from the August 9, 2024 meeting here. The next task group is scheduled for October 11, 2024 so please reach out to Amy Sciangula if you would like an invite to attend the Google Meet.
- What is Program Area 3 (PA3)?
- Program Area 3 is detailed in Volume 7, 7.200 through 7.200.15.
- PA3 exists to provide prevention and intervention services for children, youth, and families at risk of involvement with child welfare.
- Services are VOLUNTARY and based on family need and choice.
- PA3 is not utilized in all Colorado counties and it may look very different from other communities.
- Counties may use any available funding source (e.g. Core, Block, Collaborative Management, grants, TANF, Workforce, etc.) to provide services under PA3 as long as the rules and requirements governing the funding stream are followed.
- PA3 does not receive its own allocation and is not required. Most counties utilize Core or Block to fund prevention staff and/or services.
The flexibility of PA3 allows each county to define and use funds according to the needs of their community. The laxity of PA3 also poses challenges in gathering consistent data and ensuring equitable access in all Colorado counties. How does your county utilize PA3? If your county doesn’t, what is the reason? If you could wave a magic wand to make PA3 everything your community needs, what would that look like? PA3 and Core use continues to evolve so please, email Amy Sciangula with your thoughts.
- Core Plans were due August 2, 2024 but a majority of counties requested extensions due to a delay in the template being released. If you have any questions or have not let CDHS know when to expect your plan, please email Yerson Padilla as soon as possible.
- The first ever Core Services Handbook is now available. A big thank you to Yerson Padilla for gathering frequent questions from across the state and researching answers. If you have a question that isn’t addressed in the handbook, please let Yerson Padilla know.
- Marc Winokur has finished reviewing Family Preservation Reports. He is finalizing the yearly Core Evaluation and will be sending county-specific and statewide data to Coordinators before the end of the year.
- The Core Quarterly was held on July 19, 2024 in the beautiful town of Meeker (Rio Blanco County). Thank you to the staff for providing space, breakfast, and great local recommendations. The agenda and slides can be viewed here.
- The next Core Quarterly is scheduled for October 18, 2024 from 9:00 until 11:00 in Fremont County. Please email Amy Sciangula if you are not currently on the invite list and would like to attend either in person or via Google Meet.
- Core Quarterly will move to a different day and time in 2025. Help us find the new meeting day by completing this Doodle Form. Once we have the top 3 choices, a Doodle Poll with times will follow.
County Space
Email Amy Sciangula or Yerson Padilla your news, ideas, or questions for the September edition.
- The new Colorado Family First website was launched at the Child Welfare Prevention Task Group meeting on August 9th.
- Use the interactive directory tool to find an evidence-based Family First service locally.
- Use the interactive directory tool to find an agency or facility that is child-specific or to find a child placement agency to become an adoptive or foster parent.
- Find application forms and lists of required documentation, training, memos, publications and reports, and more — all searchable and filterable so you can easily find what you need.
Training, Funding, and Job Opportunities
- Home Visitation Mini-grant – Due by August 23, 2024 at 5pm – The Availability, Collaboration & Innovations work group of the Home Visiting Investment Task Force is currently accepting applications for mini-grants (up to $10,000 per award) to support innovation in two key areas: 1.) home visiting in rural areas and/or 2.) home visiting with culturally diverse families. These priority areas were selected to advance equitable home visiting opportunities and address known disparities. Please contact Joyce Johnson ( with any questions you may have.
- Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) Grant Resources
Job Opportunities