Parents as Teachers (PAT) is an early childhood home visitingmodel designed to serve the whole family that builds strongcommunities, thriving families, and children who are healthy, safe,and ready to learn. PAT offers services to families from the prenatalperiod to children up to age 5.
The Parents as Teachers model is a unique combination ofresearch, education and empowerment. In practice, our methodsare proven to help caregivers connect with their child’s earlydevelopment and build a lifetime foundation for academic success.The Parents as Teachers model is delivered via in-home visits fromParent Educators. These individuals are employed by affiliateorganizations right in your community and are highly trained inour curricula. Home visits may be conducted in-person or virtually.These are the seven goals/outcomes of the home visiting model:Increase parent knowledge of early childhood development andimprove positive parenting practices, provide early detection ofdevelopmental delays and connection to services, improve parent,child, and family health and well-being, prevent child abuse andneglect, increase children’s school readiness and success, improvefamily economic well-being, and strengthen community capacityand connectedness.