The appeal will be heard during the monthly panel meeting and a decision letter will be sent to the submitter within 48 hours.
Emergency hardship waivers are requests by applicants or licensees to excuse noncompliance with a specific child care licensing rule due to urgent, significant, and unexpected situations outside of the applicant’s or licensee’s control such as natural disasters, infectious disease outbreaks, mold outbreaks, acts of nature resulting in structural damage to the child care facility, or an immediate, child/youth-specific, emergency placement or situation that might disrupt placement or pose a safety risk to children/youth in out-of-home placement. An emergency appeal will be heard as soon as possible if it is determined to be a true emergency. Please check the box BELOW if your HARDSHIP appeal falls into one of these categories and must be heard as an emergency
If the form is not completed in its entirety, it will be returned and could cause a delay in a decision regarding your appeal request.